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Who are we?

Updated: Mar 25, 2020

Here's a quick intro to this startup, which will, according to our collective intentions, have a positive and powerful ripple effect on the experience and effectiveness of people working and learning together in any organization.

The PCO (People Centric Organizations) Group has been convened by founder John Thompson, who brought his experience with leadership development in the Swiss Alps back to the US. His intention, in alignment with the people who have joined in this pursuit, is to bring people-centric practices to life in every organization.

This includes helping teams take ownership of their work, vs. having a traditional "employee mentality" that motivation comes from the boss or that work is "just about the paycheck."

The group of co-founders is an assortment of business people, corporate and non-profit managers and consultants, executive coaches, learning designers, authors, facilitators, and educators, who see the future of work as being people-centric and who want to help make that a reality.

Among other things, we are learning and practicing many self-management communication and decision tools. We are participating in dialogues and discovery about new forms for the future of work. We are listening to the stresses of people in the traditionally-organized world of work and developing a variety of ways to support them in bringing about better alignment.

The PCO Group members bring multiple disciplines together and are leveraging collective intelligence by learning with each other. This will form the base of PCO University, a resource that helps people and team facilitators develop, as well as helping leaders map the pathway for their organizations to become fully people-centric.

We welcome people who are on similar journeys to collaborate and participate in a variety of capacities. Whether you would like to visit our regular meetings, want to open a conversation about mutual interests, or want to contribute in other ways, you can drop us a note on the contact us page at to get started. To be informed as we gain momentum, please click the Join button at the upper right corner of the page.

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